Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Day 177, Monday August 23, 2021


Mountain View Spring stealth site to Potaywadjo Spring Lean-to campsite - 17.3 miles hiked today - 2144,6 total AT miles to date - 48.3 miles to go!

Today at long last was one of the oft promised “easy” days.  No mountains, no rock scrambles, no mud, minimal roots, and mostly a pine needle blanket on the trail.  The weather cooperated today as well, with overcast skies, but slightly cooler and a touch less humidity.

It had tainted overnight, so everything got packed up wet, but mostly dried out throughput the day.  By lunchtime we had already covered 10 miles, and decided to push past our original 14 mile goal and add a few more miles while the going was good.  At a logging road crossing, we ran into a thru hiking group gathered at a van that was  providing them with a prearranged resupply.  We had elected to carry 8 days of food with us instead, and my food bag is starting to get light.  The van driver offered us sodas, which we gratefully accepted.

Moving on, we covered the rest of the days mileage without incident, passing the afternoon under the green canopy, crossing several creeks, and skirting several more lakes.  We arrived at the site before 5 and set up.  After eating, it started raining again, fortunately after tents were set. 

Three more days of hiking and then we attack Katahdin on Friday,  if all goes well.

Until next time…

1 comment:

Post Hike Day 6 - Thursday Sept 2, 2021

                  Home sweet home I’m writing this while sitting in my recliner in my climate controlled house, with an iced down drink, wea...