No Bible reading/listening as I focused 100 % on the trail today. Will resume tomorrow.
East Mombasa road to William Brien shelter campsite 13.1 miles hiked today - 1396.6 total AT miles hiked to date.
Truth be told, I only hiked 10 of the 13.1 miles covered by Anvil and Pinot. I bypassed a couple of extremely treacherous rock scrambles in deference to my injury and one handed hiking style it necessitates. A very generous trail angel named Josie pocked us up at our hotel late morning and delivered us to the trail. I waited while Anvil and Pinot hiked the section that I skipped. We had lunch and headed out. I was very slow and deliberate in my hiking to ensure no further injury to my strapped up arm.
The afternoon included a new type of forest, with more open views and less dense foliage. Very beautiful. The most challenging piece today was the Lemon Squeeze, a tight pinch between two large boulders.
We camped at a shelter occupied by day hikers who were clueless to trail etiquette, setting up their tent inside the shelter and monopolizing all available space This became an issue later that night when a thunderstorm came through and some of the low lying tents (not mine) were flooded. Anvil ended up having to deal with a kid who was severely ill and disoriented, apparently from a reaction to mushrooms he had ingested. His intervention likely kept him from asphyxiating on his own vomit. Not a pleasant night at all.
Tomorrow we will aim for 12 miles, keeping the mileage low until I am better able to manage my injury.
Until next time …
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