Thursday, June 3, 2021

Day 96, Thursday June 3, 2021



Cove Mountain Shelter campsite to Peters Mountain Shelter campsite - 15.0 miles hiked today - 1160.6 total AT miles hiked to date.

Well last night was certainly interesting.  It rained on and off all night, which wasn’t so bad as I was cozy in my tent.  However, at about 4am, there was a sudden clamoring coming from the shelter about 30 yards away.  It sounded like someone was trying to rip up the base of the shelter with crowbars and hammers.  Apparently this shelter was infamous for a prickle (look it up) of porcupines, and they were trying to get into the shelter.  The AT trail maintenance crew had wrapped the base of the shelter with a metal band and moved away all rocks or steps that could be used to climb into it.  These porcupines were trying to rip the band off so they could gnaw and climb their way into the shelter.  After several minutes of this, one of the people sleeping in the shelter banged his poles against the sides and scared the prickle away.  Never seen anything like it.

I packed up my wet tent and hiked the 4 miles into Duncannon, where I stopped at the only open restaurant in town (Goodies) for breakfast.  I had the chipped beef on toast (SOS in military lingo), along with home fries, eggs and toast.  It really hit the spot.

After breakfast, I hiked through the quaint town, across a couple of bridges over the Juniata and Susquehanna rivers and started the climb out of town that gained 1200 feet in two miles.  I was getting a real feel for what “Rocksylvania” was going to be like for the next several hundred miles, as the rocky terrain required some tricky climbs and descents.  I had one particularly treacherous fall that could have been serious, but ended up being a non-event.  As I was clambering up a rock face, I lost my balance and fell back. As I started to go, my backpack hit the boulder that I had just climbed over, and I went all the way over backwards, flipping my legs up over my head and back toward the ground below.  Before I know it, I had completed a complete 360 and landed back on my feet, several feet below where I’d started.  Apparently only my pack had touched the rock and I stuck the landing.  It happened so fast that it was over before I realized what was happening.  Even another hiker who was 100 yards ahead, didn’t see or realize that anything had happened.  I was very fortunate, and thanked God for all those praying for me while I hike, as this felt like divine intervention.  I know so many thru hikers who are already off the trail with broken bones from just this kind of misstep.  It only takes one, so keep up the prayers.

From up on the ridge, there were several great views down on the river and town (in between rock scrambles).  I also ran into the same deer as I had yesterday (or his twin) standing on the trail, seemingly unconcerned by my presence.  If I see him again tomorrow I’ll know he’s following me.  I was able to get a couple of pictures with my granddaughters rocks today, and will continue to do so as I can.

Earlier, at lunchtime, I had run into Blizzard, who we’d met back in Gatlinburg a couple of months ago.  He’d been hiking with Pinot, and Thumper for the past two days and planning to meet up with them at the next shelter.  I decided to make that my goal for the day as well, and adjusted my pace accordingly.  By the time I got there, much of the old gang was there, including Pinot, Blizzard, Bad Compass, Mr. Rogers and others.  Grey Goat and Chaser arrived a little later.  The shelter was full, and I set up my tent up the hill.  Sharing stories at dinner, I let them all know that the “bubble” was only a couple of weeks behind, and shared about all of the thru hikers I’d seen when visiting Shenandoah National Park over the weekend.  At the pace we are going, they will likely catch us in 3 or 4 weeks, and the shelters will really start to get filled early.  

After dinner, and after my tent had dried out, I set up my bedding and hit the sack.  Tomorrow’s plan is 18 miles to the next shelter.  

Until next time…

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