Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Day 135, Monday July 12, 2021


Manchester Center to Peru Peak shelter campsite - 10.0 miles hiked today - 1664.0 total AT miles hiked to date.

Left the hostel at 8:30 in the pouring rain, and were dropped back off at the trail.  The day was more of the same rain, mud, and slow going.  We spent the morning climbing up Bromley mountain, culminating in a lunch break in the ski hut at the top of the mountain where the ski lift drops off skiers in the winter.  The last mile, we were actually hiking up one of the ski runs.

The afternoon was more mud slogging, and continued until we reached the shelter for the night.  I pitched my tent, knowing that more rain was forecast, but counting on my sturdy Flash 2 tent to keep me and my recently laundered sleeping gear dry.

After dinner, I turned in early, resting up for another wet day tomorrow. 

Until next time…

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