Ruth / 1st Samuel
Rod Hollow Shelter campsite to Communication Tower Trail campsite - 13.4 miles hiked today - 1009.1 total AT miles hiked to date.
Without a doubt, today was the most difficult hiking day that I’ve faced since leaving the Smokey’s. It took me 11 hours to cover just over 13 miles, every step hard fought. Apparently what Roller Coaster means in trail speak is “a series of impossible climbs and descents, peppered by razor sharp rocks, boulders the size of cars, and undulating inclines that are more like walls than uphills, all without the benefit of a single switchback.” Every hill was a challenge and my pace was little more than a crawl for most of the day. By the time I reached a suitable campsite, it felt like someone had taken a bat to the soles of my feet. It’s never felt so good to peel off my shoes and socks and let my feet breathe.
All that said, there were still several interesting sites throughout the day, and I passed two significant milestones. Both Bears Den Rocks and Raven Rocks offered great views. I stopped for lunch at the Sam Moore Shelter, and at Bears Den Hostel for a couple of sodas and a brief respite for my aching feet. I also passed the 1000 mile marker, a significant milestone, as well as crossed into West Virginia for the first time, my 5th state on the trail.
If the trail eases up some tomorrow, I should reach Harpers Ferry tomorrow afternoon, the unofficial halfway point, and the home of the Appalachian Trail conservancy (ATC).
Until next time…

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