Hebrews, James, 1st Peter, 2nd Peter
Seeley-Woodworth shelter campsite to Three Ridges stealth campsite- 17.5 miles hiked today - 840.6 total AT miles hiked to date.
And just like that, God flipped the weather switch and the day broke clear and sunny. Sometimes I think He allows for days like yesterday so we don’t take days like today for granted. The day provided so many awesome sights, I won’t be able to show all the pictures I took. Not that these pictures come close to doing justice to the panoramas I see on a daily basis.
I got an early start and within a couple of miles came upon Spy Rock. It was a small side trail that led to a unique rock formation that allowed for arresting views from the top. Although it required a little bit of rock climbing, the views were absolutely amazing.
Once at the road, there was a van with an older couple, a mom, and four daughters. They were handing out fruit to thru hikers, and sharing that they wanted all to be aware of Christ’s love for them. There were two college age hikers who’d stopped as well. I shared my scripture from Isaiah when offering trail names, and the mom prayed for us all before we moved on. I did ask if they were with the other woman I’d met, but they didn’t know her. God was being represented in force today!
Fortified by the prayers (and the fruit), I headed on, crossing the Tye River suspension bridge. That started the longest climb of the day, up Three Ridges mountain. There was actually a bypass trail available that cut off 4 miles of the treacherous climb, but I elected to stay on the trail and make the climb. “Blue blazing” as such trail shortcuts are called, are frowned upon by purists, but are sometimes necessary for safety reasons.
What followed from there was some of the hardest climbing I’d faced yet. Quite a few rock scrambles, and very steep inclines. About half way up, it clouded over and a squall kicked up. Fortunately I was relatively close to the Harpers Creek shelter, so I ducked in to wait out the storm. There were 4 others in the shelter, already hunkered down for the night, but they didn’t mind my brief stop in.
After about 20 minutes it let up, and I continued on. Some of the views as I neared the top of Three Ridges were reminiscent of the Smokey’s, as wispy clouds could be seen down below in the valleys. Chimney Rock was particularly beautiful. By the time I reached the summit, I had climbed over 5200 feet for the day, as well as 4800 feet of descents. It was getting late so I pitched my tent at a stealth site at the summit facing the east, had dinner, hung my food, and crawled into my bag, weary after a long but satisfying day. Sunrise should be spectacular, if there’s no rain in the morning.
Until next time…
awesome day!!