Acts of the Apostles
Devil’s Tooth trailhead campsite to Lambert’s Meadow Shelter campsite- 18 miles hiked today - 721.0 total AT miles hiked to date.
Another gorgeous day, appreciating the natural beauty of God’s creation. Such diverse terrain, vistas, landscapes, and sights all packed into a single day. Started out early again, originally planning to hike 20+ miles again to get me within striking distance of Dalesville. I had to adjust that somewhat as I found that the last 9 miles into town did not permit camping along the trail.
The morning hike was cool, but quickly warming. I reached VA 624 by 8 and decided to take the 1 mile detour to the Catawba Grocery, where I had a hot bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich, banana, and a quart of chocolate milk. After filling up there, I struck out again, hiking along Catawba creek, through meadows, up over some rock scrambles, and winding trail. Spring was out in abundance and blooming wildflowers were everywhere, By lunch, I reached the John’s Springs Shelter, where I stopped for a bite (PBJ), and to use the facility. I was pleased to see that the privy there was erected almost 30 years ago as a Girl Scout Gold project. The scouts really do a lot to make the trail better.
After lunch, it was a long, steady climb up Catawba Mountain to the highlight of the day (and one of the most iconic sights on the entire trail) - McAfee Knob. There were dozens of day hikers that I passed on the way up, as it’s a local tourist destination. I took so many pictures I don’t have space to show them all, but here are a few:

From there, it was one challenging technical to another, including several hand over hand rock scrambles, multiple switchbacks and steep climbs, and even some sunny open clearings. It had warmed up considerably, making hydration extra important and calling for more filtration stops than I’m used to.
As evening began to fall, and shadows were starting to creep over the trail ahead, it appeared that I was going to have my first bear encounter. Several had been spotted in the area. I heard a loud rustling noise about 50 yards downhill from the trail, and saw a dark shape moving through the trees. I froze…and then saw it was just a deer. There were three of them together, which accounted for the noise. I was relieved, but honestly a little disappointed.
By the time I reached the final designated camp spot before the restricted area, it was getting late. Pulling into the shelter area, there were already over a dozen tents set up near the shelter, and 4 separate campfires going. I continued on for another several hundred yards and found a quiet spot to set up right next to the creek. A quick dinner and into my bag. Tomorrow is Dalesville for resupply and addressing my phone issues.
Until next time…
wow, greats pictures of cliff and deer!! Keep up the good work!