Proverbs 1 - 31
Mountaineer Falls campsite to Laurel Fork river campsite - 18.2 miles today - 422.1 total AT miles hiked.
What a spectacular day. Such varied trail topography and amazing sights. Started out at 7:30, passing the falls first thing and then following the ridge line all morning. Gradual ups and meandering downs, along with temperatures in the 70s and a refreshing breeze, made for a perfect morning of hiking. Ran into half a half dozen hikers I knew, and stopped for lunch at a shelter to take advantage of the picnic table.
The afternoon was completely different. A new set of challenges presented themselves as the terrain completed changed. After passing some crumbling ruins, park like paths, and serene meadows, we were suddenly in the midst of crevasses, granite cliffs and stone steps, navigating through narrow spaces, steep drops, and harrowing rock scrambles. Exhilarating but exhausting.
By the time we reached the designated stopping point for the day, I was exhausted. We found a great site right next to the river, and set up around 5:30. With the river flowing right next to us, I took the opportunity to wash all of my dirty clothes, and hang them out to dry. A quick supper and on to bed.
Tomorrow we head into Hampton TN, which is about 2 miles away. We’ll (hopefully) collect our packages at the post office, do a quick resupply, and head back out onto the trail. We have to cover at least 12 miles on the trail tomorrow after our town stop, as no camping is allowed right now in the section of trail just north of Hampton due to significant bear activity.
Until next time...

Keep up the good work!