2nd Chronicles 1 - 36
Spring Mountain shelter campsite to Jerry Cabin shelter campsite - 16 miles / almost 10 hours of hiking- AT mile 301.8.
Today was certainly a long and diverse day of hiking. We got up early as a small group of the 15 or so other hikers at the shelter area decided that 6 am was the time the entire camp should arise. Since it was not possible to sleep with the noise they were making, we went ahead and packed up and headed out as dawn was breaking.
The skies were overcast with the promise of rain later in the day. We hiked the morning with moderate temperatures in the 60s. By lunchtime we had arrived at the Little Laurel shelter about 8 miles in, so we stopped there for lunch. I had skipped a trail magic opportunity a short while before (with donuts and hot chocolate) as I need to eat what I was carrying to lighten my load.
During lunch the skies started to really darken, and rain was on the way. Several times I heard the phrase “no rain, no Maine” from others lunching at the shelter. Apparently a common saying on the trail. Donning my rain jacket and putting on my pack cover I started up the 1.7 mile climb up Camp Creek Bald just as the rain let loose. In less than 10 minutes, the temperature dropped 20 degrees and the wind picked up. Soon, the rain was blowing horizontally and progress up the mountain was slow. I had to stop every couple of hundred yards as I passed a big tree to get a wind/driving rain break for a few minutes before moving on. It lasted about an hour.
Just as the rain was breaking I came across the 2nd trail magic of the day. A guy who had hiked the trail in 2007 had a canopy set up right on the trail and was handing out snacks and other food. He was already out of sodas, but I did have a tootsie roll.
Moving on, I started another climb that took us over Big Firescald Knob, a rocky and strenuous section referred to as a technical. It entailed climbing boulders and rock outcroppings hand over hand both up and down. Here we were rock climbing vs any hiking. However, once at the top, the views were worth the effort, as the rain abated long enough to enjoy them.
From there, more rain as we pounded out the rest of the way to the planned campsite at Jerry Cabin Shelter. Just before making camp, we crossed the 300 mile point.
For those of you supporting Family Promise through the hiking challenge, your running liability at a penny a mile is now $3.00. If you accepted Edwina’s call out at $.05/mile, you’re at $15.00 and counting. I know some have pledged even more, and for that I’m thankful. A reminder that every penny raised goes to Family Promise.
Set up the tent around 5:30 in the rain, cooked some 3 Bean Chili and hot chocolate and hunkered down for the night.
Keep it going, no rain no Maine!